Friday, February 18, 2011


After my sister's deterioration, I carried the guilt of having been unable to protect her, help her. I had always thought the miracle of a cure for her. I wanted her to wake up one day and start talking normally and behaving not awkwardly. I still do... How to describe the mysterious ways that transform our personal grief, anger... into our heart and mind?
Sometimes we have no choice but to pick ourselves up and ski through the avalanches of our lives. We have to keep moving, or we'll be swept away. We can't stop and reflect, or we'll find ourselves buried under the weight of the tragedy. After the initial shock, we have to move from surviving to thriving.

"Any sorrow can be borne, if you can turn it into a story." (Isak Dinesen)
"Give sorrow words." (Shakespeare)
"Once we truly understand and accept that life is difficult - then life is no longer difficult because the fact no longer matters." (M. Scott Peck)

I was too blinded by my own grief to see that we all suffer. I suppose because we didn't have everything, we appreciated everything.
If our expectation included loss, we would handle our lives better and fear our losses less. At least we would come to understand that when we move through our losses, they expand our mind.

My sister taught me that I couldn't make her well but I could reach deep within myself and open my heart so that I could embrace the way she is and love her spirit. I am not trying to fix her, but through her to know myself better so that I might fix the only person I ever have the power to fix - myself.

We have to move beyond our hopes and dreams to a place of acceptance. And we have to realize that true, gut-level acceptance is an act of courage. I could choose to be broken by the loss, or I can celebrate her  time on this earth. W can choose to be bitter about a cancer diagnosis, or we can choose to learn everything we can about life from the experience. Life still goes on...

"Courage is a greater virtue than love. At best, it takes courage to love." (Pul Tillich)

There is power in contemplating death. By doing so, we think more about how we should live our lives. We focus more on what is more important to us right now. We are reminded of the preciousness of each moment. Thinking about death moves us closer to compassion for others and for ourselves.

When there are things I cannot change
- the passing of time, the darkness of heart -
I turn to other things I cannot change
-the color of the setting sky, the rugged outline of the mountains -
There is something to knowing
-knowing if I weep the white stars will stay in pattern -

There are secrets
Murmuring like growing things
Coming into my body
Whispering around inside like wind in the crags
Parched buffalo bones appear from the night
And make a song to the moon
Old chief of the Crow tells the sun to rise
Beckoning, a green sapling offered to dawn

The marks of the weathers
Or small human scratchings
Make wrinkles
In the permanence of canyon rock

There is a wide indian sky
A girl in the red earth
With a revealed head
She asks for some secrets

And begins to cover
Her nakedness
A clay pot

The importance of Memory!!!
"The only life we know well, the one on which we are the ultimate authority, is our own. The only experience to which we can hear witness is that which we have personally endured or observed." (Wallace E. Stegner)

We can't escape our past. We can grow from it. We can grow beyond it. But it has shaped us and remains a part of who we are. We need to step back so that we can leap forward.
"You'd think it had to do with physical strength, but it didn't. It was all in our heads."
(Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins) Laughter and good emotions would allow the body to heal itself.
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master call the butterfly." (Zen saying)

It is the intense life experiences - both joyful and wretched - that move us the most.
"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was often times filled with your tears...When we are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy." (The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran)

"Yes, falling in love with the earth is one of life's great adventures. It is an affair of the heart like no other; a rapturous experience that remains endlessly repeatable throughout life." (Steve Van Matre)

What a relief when finally it came to me to love her, simply love her...

Healing places are terribly important..."far away from anybody" :)))  a coffee place, fire, ocean...
We lose touch with nature's cycles, which reflect the cycles of life: spring/birth, summer/maturity, fall/old age, winter/death.

Sometimes bad is good...
"Healing is embracing what is most feared; healing is opening what has been closed, softening what has hardened into obstruction, healing is learning to trust life." (Jeanne Achterberg)
Our life challenges and losses are opportunities for us to appreciate and love differently. It has something to do with trust. It has to do with taking it all in - the good, the bad, the ugly. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

У лета есть своя примета -
Тепло и праздничный наряд,
Не счесть ромашек для букета,
Лесов зелёных стройный ряд.

Вот снова лето нарядилось,
Запрятав в волосы цветок,
А нам лукаво улыбнулось,
Расправив каждый лепесток.

В причёске лета заблудились
И лютики, и васильки,
А незабудки умудрились
Очаровать, хоть так мелки.

В дубравах птицы заливались,
И тихо реченька текла,
В ней рыбы молча развлекались -
Плескались окуни, плотва.

Добавим вкус клубники красной ,
И образ модницы готов:
Лихой, весёлый, яркий, страстный -
Подарок людям от богов!

У лета есть своя примета -
Тепло и праздничный наряд,
И мы прекрасно знаем это
И любим лето все подряд! 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Светит солнце ярко на небе

Пробивая ночные туманы

Предвкушая начало весны

Новый день осветляя всем нам

А за солнцем летают Они

Ангелы-в белых халатах

Свои крылья помыли Они

И стали на стражу вселенной

Глядя на нас с высока

Они видят людей на ладони

Как мы просыпаемся утром

И идём по нашей дороге...


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Positive Attitude

A further sign of health is that we don’t become undone by fear and trembling, but we take it as a message that it’s time to stop struggling and look directly at what’s threatening us. Pema Chodron

A smile is the beginning of peace. Mother Teresa

Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.Paramahansa Yogananda

The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Charles Du Bos

Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln

here is nothing more marvelous than doing something you love to do and getting paid for it. It ceases to become work, money, and effort; and it becomes fun, your expression of the joy of life. Stuart Wilde

A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference. Winnie the Pooh

It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button. Esther Hicks – Abraham

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence. Helen Keller

Be of good cheer. Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Helen Keller

It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth, and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we will begin to live each day to the fullest; as if it was the only one we had. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more. Rosabeth Moss Kanter

We work on ourselves in order to help others, but also we help others in order to work on ourselves. Pema Chodron

It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. Dale Carnegie

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Albert Einstein

If you believe in yourself, things are possible. Shannon Macmillan

We are reminded how short life really is, and how we are just passing through. So, all the people you haven’t told you love lately, tell them, and live your days like you mean it. Hal Sutton

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. William Arthur Ward

Things that seem hard are not always that hard. Put one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get to the end. Author Unknown

We all find peace if we forgive. Danielle Rosenblatt

Life’s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others? Martin Luther King, Jr.

Be yourself. An original is always worth more than a copy. Unknown

Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. Greg Anderson

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your Destiny. Frank Outlaw

What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about. The Secret

A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles. Tim Cahill

Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal. Rita Davenport

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Confucius

Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy. Bill Blackma

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Phyllis Diller

Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or at holy sites halfway across the globe, but here, in our own lives. Deepak Chopra

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu

An obstacle is often a stepping stone. Prescott

Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open. Thomas Dewar

Leap, and the net will appear. Julia Margaret Cameron 

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome. Arthur Ashe

You have no idea of the tremendous release and deep peace that comes from meeting yourself and your sisters and brothers, totally, without judgment. A Course in Miracles

Keep uppermost in your mind that there is a place within you where there is perfect peace and where nothing is impossible. Wayne Dyer

Whatever we are waiting for — peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance– it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. Sarah Ban Breathnach

Спартак: кровь и песок / Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Смотреть онлайн Спартак: кровь и песок / Spartacus: Blood and Sand (2010) сериал

ты наверно ее любишь...нет ты просто помешался и готов на все, да на все ради нее...убьешь их всех. как они посмели отобрать ее у тебя. атака. а стоит? ведь ето настоящая любовь. наверно стоит. готов на все ради того, чтоб снова обнять ее, почуствовать ее тепло. она того стоит? она стоит всего в етом мире.
Я знаю, ты есть в этом мире!
Я знаю, ты рядом со мной.
Ты воздух, ты небо, ты звезды,
Ты солнышко над головой.
К тебе не могу прикоснуться,
Тебя не могу я обнять.
Но память живет в моем сердце,
Ее не смогу потерять!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Тяжелое утро

а хоч я тебе признаюсь?

[4:58:59 PM] Витьок: а хоч я тебе признаюсь?
[4:59:09 PM] Витьок:  я отдушы
[4:59:15 PM] Витьок: я постараюсь
[4:59:19 PM] Olga: :)
[4:59:21 PM] Витьок: (h)
[4:59:27 PM] Витьок: давай?
[4:59:29 PM] Витьок: и так.....
[4:59:34 PM] Витьок: Оля

[4:59:35 PM] Витьок: я
[4:59:39 PM] Витьок: тебя
[4:59:45 PM] Витьок: люблю

[4:59:57 PM] Витьок: ну я подружески
[5:00:00 PM] Витьок: щас
[5:00:07 PM] Olga: hehe
[5:00:10 PM] Витьок: ты ж говориш мне что любиш меня
[5:00:15 PM] Витьок: ивот и я
[5:00:19 PM] Витьок: говорю
[5:00:24 PM] Витьок: тоисть пишу
[5:00:27 PM] Olga: da mi lubim drug druga
[5:00:32 PM] Olga: nevrealnosti
[5:00:34 PM] Витьок: (h)
[5:00:36 PM] Olga: ponimaesh
[5:00:40 PM] Витьок: (rofl)
[5:00:45 PM] Витьок: смешно
[5:00:53 PM] Витьок: любовь онлайн
[5:01:21 PM] Olga: ya govoru glaza v glaza tak nejno i iskreno chotb aj murajki bejali i glova krujilasi ot poteri pulisa[5:02:14 PM] Витьок: ого
[5:02:27 PM] Витьок: надо будет при встрече так вике сказать
[5:02:35 PM] Витьок: вдруг сознание потеряет
[5:02:40 PM] Витьок: так ей и надо
[5:02:50 PM] Olga: :D
[5:03:09 PM] Olga: lubiti sa prosto tak
[5:03:30 PM] Витьок: оль у тебя все мысли о любви
[5:03:46 PM] Витьок: ты скоро наверно обязательно влюбишса
[5:03:51 PM] Витьок: и в тебя (h)
[5:03:57 PM] Витьок: о
[5:04:03 PM] Витьок: слуш прикол
[5:04:22 PM] Витьок: меня вчера одна знакомая назвала Купидоном
[5:04:51 PM] Olga: ti kupidon?
[5:05:06 PM] Витьок: ну мы прикалывались
[5:05:11 PM] Витьок: ну ты ж знаеш меня
[5:05:15 PM] Витьок: я чёт выдумал
[5:05:22 PM] Витьок: типо она ангелом работает
[5:05:28 PM] Витьок: подрабатывает
[5:05:37 PM] Витьок: вчера у неё выходной был
[5:05:46 PM] Витьок: а я типо купидон
[5:05:52 PM] Витьок: ну ет она сказала
[5:05:58 PM] Витьок: так вот

[5:06:01 PM] Витьок: Я
[5:06:07 PM] Витьок: БОГ ЛЮБВИ
[5:06:17 PM] Витьок: ОБРЕКАЮ ТЕБЯ
[5:06:27 PM] Витьок: НА БЕЗМЕРНУЮ
[5:06:37 PM] Витьок: НА НЕОСЯЗАЕМУЮ
[5:06:43 PM] Витьок: НА ПРЕКРАСНУЮ
[5:06:51 PM] Витьок: НА .... НА НА.......
[5:07:09 PM] Витьок: (h)ЛЮБОВЬ! (h)
[5:07:36 PM] Olga: (angel)
[5:07:47 PM] Витьок: ВЕРЬ В ЕТО
[5:10:18 PM] Olga: (sun)
Хмурым и дождливым днем,
темной, мрачной ночью,
я к тебе всегда приду – если скажешь – наяву.
Я на сердце свет тебе направлю,
в пелену Любви тебя я оберну,
и росинки слез я пальчиком сотру.

Станем вместе мы смеяться,
улыбаться и плясать,
будем мы друг другом наслаждаться,
я на ушко песенку тебе спою.

Петь я вовсе не умею-
хриплым голосом тяну,
но ведь вижу я, что любишь,
когда песню я пою.

Снова слезы я увижу,
все я их губами соберу.
Не грусти мой Милый Ангел,
ведь так сильно я тебя Люблю.

Ты закроешь свои глазки
и приляжешь на меня,
Я твою улыбку поцелую
И в объятьях утоплю.

Будешь спать ты долго-долго,
сон увидишь о Любви.
Милый мальчик твой присниться,
Макс и Светочка за ним.

Будешь ты туда-сюда вертеться,
а я буду наблюдать,
как мой крошечный Котенок
во сне меня пытается обнять.

Сон твой резко оборвется,
откроешь глазки ты свои.
Милая, я не сдержался –
в поцелуях утопил.

Снова вместе мы смеемся,
снова солнце светит нам,
но, увы, пришла минута –
кажется мне уже пора.

Вновь я вижу твои слезы –
нечего их от меня скрывать.
Я не плачу, но вот сердце,
утопает все в слезах.

Скоро вновь мы будем вместе,
не грусти моя Любовь.
Обещаю этой ночью,
с тобой у моря погулять.

Мы расстанемся на долго,
друг без друга будем тосковать.
Но давай в ненастные минуты
о прекрасном вспоминать.

Вспоминать о тех минутах,
когда светит солнце нам.
Думать только друг о друге
и никогда не забывать.